The program
- The master universitario di II livello is a one year training program, in accordance with Italian University laws, to give a specialized and advanced training after the Laurea and Laurea Magistrale degrees.
- It is a Life-Long Learning experience, open to young graduated students and everyone that meets the requirements.
- The Master follows the internal regulation of UNIMORE, and the cost-reporting rules of the project Education City in Cluster Smart City funded by Italian MIUR end European Community.
- The Master provides the title of Dottore di Master after attending the 1-year study program to obtain the 60 Formative University Credits (CFU). Each credit amounts to 25 hours of study (from lectures, projects and individual study). A student of the Master is thus required to follow the 1500 hours program in one year among them at least 500 are spent in a company stage.
- For the current edition of the MUMET Master, 12 grants are available: for 12 selected students registration fee is not required, and instead a benefit of Euros 2.000 is provided (additional benefits are received as expense covering from the companies that will host the students for the 6-months apprenticeship approx. 800 Euros per-month).
Multimedia Technologies
- Digitialization
- Indexing, and Retrieval of Multimedia Data
- Augmented Reality
Visual Computing
- Computer Vision, Image Processing and Video Understanding
- Computer Graphics and 3D Reconstruction
- OpenCV programming
- IoT, wearable systems
Learning Technologies
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Big Data analysis and decision making
- Management of Innovation
Management and Technological Insights
- Web and Mobile Application Design
- GPU Programming
- Project Management
In addition, specific seminars will be organized by internationally recognized scientists and by IT companies. The master is in Italian / English language.
MAY-JUN: selection
JUN-SEP: lessons
OCT-MAR: stage
Lessons will be held from Monday to Friday
Unimore - "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering, in via P. Vivarelli, 10.