International Master of II level in
Intermediate project outline is available here.
MuMeT lectures are starting! See here for lectures scheduling.
MuMeT Happy Hour Opening Ceremony the June 16th (please register here).
See the event brochure for event schedule.
Master admission results are available here.
The MUMET II level Master wants to create new professional figures with advanced knowledge on the emerging technologies in visual computing, vision and machine learning and intelligent multimedia systems.
- 3 months university summer school intensive program
- 6 months stage in a ICT and Manufacturing company
- No admission fees
- 4000 Euros Grant
- 4500 Euros Grant during internship program
- Further grants for supporting accomodation
Why MuMeT
- One key aspect of the new intelligent information technologies is the hybrid nature of modalities and media to generate and process information and knowledge.
- From mobile devices to cloud services, from the internet-of-things to wearable devices, industries, cities and communities are populated by intelligent and intrinsically multimedia (video, images, text, audio, graphics) systems.
- Contextually, the increasing amount of data requires flexible techniques to improve the decision making process in all the industrial processes
- Machine learning approaches, in particular those based on Deep Learning, have recently gained popularity in this context, as the most powerful Artificial Intelligent tools for supporting reasoning and content understanding.
- Advanced multimedia expertise is thus required in computer science for the creation of knowledge by processing and managing images, videos, texts, graphics, audio and temporal data.
- This knowledge, outcome of 20 years of industrial research, is pervasive in many applications. For example in immersive interaction systems, in computer vision and machine vision systems, in predictive analysis for industries, in mobile apps, in multimodal systems and in advanced presentation platforms.
- The MUMET Master has the goal of training a new profession, the «multimedia data scientist» with advanced knowledge in «visual computing», focusing on computational services in which visual interaction replaces the standard text-based interaction.

- Director of the Master: Prof. Rita Cucchiara –
- Master secretariat: Dott. Silvia Caliò –
- Sponsorship information: Dott. Massimo Pulvirenti (fondazione DemoCenter)-